Wednesday, 14 August 2013


Back in 2008,the Derbyshire Chevin was my first ever fell race. At 6km away it is also the closest race for me on the FRA calender. The race is Organised by all round good guy, David Denton of Running with David.

 Borrowdale it is not. The Chevin is a 7.3km B short race, with just 259m of ascent. The route follows footpaths up the side of the Derwent valley. then back down again. Nothing too technical, just a 'gentle' intro to the world of fell running.

I had all intentions of running the Chevin again this year but somehow completely forgot. Nevermind. Later that week, Billy and I had a gently trot around part of the course instead.

And Hell
One of the many Dark Satanic mills, that can be found along the Derwent.

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