Monday, 21 April 2014

Can you dib it?

 Carneddau Mini MM 13.4.14

This year Dark & White Challenge Events are running a Three race Mini Mountain Marathon series. These three events follow their 4 hour 'Wild country' format, that Ray and I enjoyed so much, last year.
 The first round started off in the often overlooked but Beautiful Carneddau mountains.
 Dark & White sum up the challenge nicely-

*  "The aim of these events is to navigate your way between a series of checkpoints and collect as many points as you can in the specified time period. Armed with your map (and your brain!) it is up to you to decide the optimum route based on your fitness/ability. Each checkpoint has a score, and generally the ones which are further away and more difficult to get to are worth more points. SPORTident timing is used."

Or in our case. Four hours of mucking about in the Welsh hills, trying not to get lost.

The Start.
Not lost yet.

Highlights and Randoms

Carneddau ponys

Hitting the atack point on Foel-fras and hand-railing to control 15. In the clag : )

Not finding control 14 and having to bail out. In the clag : (

Spicy bean/lentle soup, tea and cake

Yes you can

* Quote pinched from Dark and White Challenge events Website. See here For full details of their Cracking events. 


  1. Not lost
    Just temporarily misplaced. Looks like good fun - must try one of those onw day.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


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